中国文字著作权协会(China Written Works Copyright Society)

协会组织1个月前更新 外贸网
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中国文字著作权协会由中国作家协会、国务院发展研究中心等 12 家著作权人比较集中的单位和 500 多位我国各领域著名的著作权人共同发起,并于 2008 年 10 月 24 日在北京成立。


中国文字著作权协会:China Written Works Copyright Society

中国文字著作权协会(China Written Works Copyright Society)



  • 为集体管理的目的,进行文字作品的登记和相关信息的收集;
  • 集中管理本协会会员文字作品的著作权,维护其和著作权相关的合法权利;
  • 就本协会管理的会员文字作品的使用,与使用者签订许可使用合同、发放使用许可证并收取使用费;
  • 向文字作品著作权人分配作品使用报酬;
  • 根据《著作权集体管理条例》第四十七条的规定,代为收转非本会会员文字作品的使用费;
  • 对侵犯本协会管理的文字作品著作权的行为,依法采取维权行动,提请著作权行政管理部门做出行政处罚或提起相应的法律诉讼;
  • 与国外的著作权集体管理机构签订相互代表协议;
  • 开展文字著作权保护的调查研究工作,了解国内外文字著作权保护的动态和发展,向国家立法机关和著作权行政管理机关提出著作权保护的建议;
  • 增进文字作品著作权人和使用者对著作权保护的认识和尊重,为社会提供关于文字著作权的咨询和法律服务;
  • 开展著作权保护和著作权集体管理方面的宣传、推广和培训工作;
  • 开展其它与协会宗旨一致的活动。


  • 报纸、期刊、图书、电子出版物和数字化制作等各种传媒使用的文字作品;
  • 通过信息网络传播方式使用的文字作品;
  • 通过广播方式使用的文字作品;
  • 以汇编方式使用的文字作品;
  • 以机械表演或现场表演方式使用的文字作品;
  • 以法定的其它许可方式使用的文字作品;
  • 其他适合集体管理的对文字作品的使用;
  • 为集体管理目的,对未加入协会的文字著作权人,本协会也为其向使用者收取法定许可情形下的使用费并向其分配。


  • 对文字著作权集体管理进行宣传;
  • 对会员及文字作品的登记、管理;
  • 依法收取使用者交纳的使用费,并发放许可证;
  • 定期向权利人分配使用费;
  • 承担教科书和报刊转载文字作品等“法定许可”著作权使用费的收转工作;
  • 对侵犯会员文字著作权的行为提出法律意见;
  • 与海外同类组织签约,可代为管理和行使海外文字作品在中国大陆地区的著作权。

地址:北京市西城区珠市口西大街120号太丰惠中大厦 1027 – 1036 室。

Presentation in English:

The China Written Works Copyright Society was founded in Beijing on October 24, 2008 by 12 units with a relatively high concentration of copyright owners, including the China Writers Association and the Development Research Center of the State Council, and more than 500 well-known copyright owners in various fields in China.

The China Written Works Copyright Society is a non-profit social organization engaged in copyright services, protection and management for the purpose of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owners.

Business Scope:

  • the registration of written works and the collection of information for the purposes of collective management;
  • Centrally manage the copyright of the written works of the members of the Association, and safeguard their legal rights related to copyright;
  • To conclude a license agreement with the user, issue a license and collect royalties for the use of the member’s written works managed by the Association;
  • distribution of remuneration for the use of works to copyright owners of literary works;
  • In accordance with the provisions of Article 47 of the Regulations on the Collective Management of Copyright, collect and transfer the royalties for the written works of non-members of the Association;
  • For acts of infringing the copyright of literary works managed by the Association, take rights protection actions in accordance with the law, and request the copyright administrative department to make administrative penalties or file corresponding legal proceedings;
  • Signing mutual representation agreements with foreign copyright collective management agencies;
    Carry out investigation and research on the protection of text copyright, understand the dynamics and development of text copyright protection at home and abroad, and put forward suggestions on copyright protection to the national legislature and copyright administrative organs;
  • Enhance the understanding and respect of copyright owners and users of literary works on copyright protection, and provide consultation and legal services on literary copyright to the society;
    Carry out publicity, promotion and training on copyright protection and collective management of copyright;
  • Carry out other activities that are consistent with the purpose of the association.

Management of text copyright:

  • Written works used in various media such as newspapers, periodicals, books, electronic publications and digital production;
  • Written works used through information network dissemination;
  • textual works used by means of broadcasting;
  • a written work used in compilation;
  • Written works used in the form of mechanical or live performances;
  • a written work used in such other way as is legally permissible;
  • other uses of literary works suitable for collective management;
  • For the purpose of collective management, the Association also collects and distributes royalties to users who are not members of the Association under the statutory license.

Functions of the Association:

  • Publicize the collective management of text copyright;
  • registration and management of members and written works;
  • Collect the user fee paid by the user in accordance with the law and issue a license;
  • Distribute royalties to right holders on a regular basis;
  • Undertake the collection and transfer of “legally licensed” copyright royalties such as textbooks and newspapers and periodicals reprinting literary works;
  • Provide legal opinions on infringement of members’ written copyrights;
  • Signing contracts with similar overseas organizations can manage and exercise the copyright of overseas written works in Chinese mainland on their behalf.

Address: Room 1027-1036, Taifeng Huizhong Building, No. 120 Zhushikou West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.

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