中国液压气动密封件工业协会(China Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals Association)

协会组织1个月前更新 外贸网
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中国液压气动密封件工业协会成立于 1990 年,它是中国境内从事液压、液力、气动、密封行业生产、经营和与其相关的企业、研究院所、大专院校、团体及工作者等自愿结成的 4A 级全国性、行业性社会团体。


中国液压气动密封件工业协会:China Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals Association(CHPSA)

中国液压气动密封件工业协会(China Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals Association)

中国液压气动密封件工业协会的最高权力机构是会员代表大会,实行理事会制,会员单位逾 500 家。秘书处是协会办事机构,由 7 个工作部室组成,受协会理事会领导,依据协会章程开展工作。根据工作需要,依据协会章程,设立液压、液力、气动、橡塑密封、机械密封和填料与静密封六个专业分会,其中液压专业分会设在协会秘书处。


地址:北京市西城区德外教场口街 1 号 2 号楼 200 室

Presentation in English:

Founded in 1990, China Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals Association is a 4A-level national and industry-based social organization voluntarily formed by enterprises, research institutes, colleges and universities, groups and workers engaged in the production and operation of hydraulic, hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing industries in China.

The highest authority of China Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals Association is the member congress, which implements the council system and has more than 500 member units. The Secretariat is the office of the Association, which is composed of 7 working departments and offices, which is under the leadership of the Council of the Association and carries out its work in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Association. According to the needs of the work, according to the articles of association of the association, the establishment of hydraulics, hydraulics, pneumatics, rubber and plastic seals, mechanical seals and packing and static seals six professional branches, of which the hydraulic professional branch is located in the secretariat of the association.

Hydraulics, Pneumatics & Seals is a wholly-owned entity of the association.

Address: Room 200, Building 2, No. 1, Dewaijiaochangkou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

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